Kaitlyn DelloStritto Kaitlyn DelloStritto

Realistic Hospital Bag Checklist for You, Your Partner, and Your Baby (Free Printable)

There are hundreds, maybe thousands of hospital bag checklists out there already, so you might be saying “another checklist”? And while it’s true, this is just another checklist, my goal in creating this list (and free printable!) is to help you feel realistically prepared for a hospital birth experience while still bringing the least amount of “stuff” from home as possible.

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Kaitlyn DelloStritto Kaitlyn DelloStritto

Positions and Breathing Techniques for Pushing

Just like with the other stages of labor, you have options when it comes to your positioning and breathing techniques during this phase, and oftentimes utilizing different techniques can increase your comfort, make pushing more effective, and decrease the risk for severe perineal tearing. Understanding your options for the pushing phase can help you anticipate this moment with confidence.

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Kaitlyn DelloStritto Kaitlyn DelloStritto

Fetal Station: What It Means and Why It’s Important

The station of the baby, combined with cervical dilation and effacement measurement, can help you better understand how your body is progressing in labor, and even what body positioning may best assist your baby in their descent through the birth canal.

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Kaitlyn DelloStritto Kaitlyn DelloStritto

5 Ways A Doula Can Support Your Spouse or Partner

There are a lot of valid concerns that may cross the mind of a spouse if their partner is considering doula support, but in reality there are many things that a doula can do to support both parents during pregnancy, labor and delivery.

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Kaitlyn DelloStritto Kaitlyn DelloStritto

What Is An Epidural and How Does It Work?

Epidural anesthesia has been widely used during labor and delivery since the 1980’s. Although it is a common intervention, it is not the only option for pain management. If you are pregnant and wondering if you should choose an epidural during labor, it can be helpful to understand how they work, how they’re administered, as well as benefits, risks and potential side effects.

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Kaitlyn DelloStritto Kaitlyn DelloStritto

Tips For Encouraging A Breech Baby To Flip

If your baby is breech at 36 weeks your provider will likely want to discuss options with you, including a procedure known as an external cephalic version, or even scheduling a c-section. If you’d like to explore other options for encouraging baby to flip into a head-down position, there are a few low-risk alternatives you can try.

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Kaitlyn DelloStritto Kaitlyn DelloStritto

3 Ways To Know If Your Baby Is Getting Enough Breast Milk

While a small percentage of women may have an underlying medical reason for not producing enough breast milk, many women WILL go on to produce exactly the type and volume of milk that their baby requires, from the moment their baby is born, to the time they eventually wean. But the question for many still stands - “is my baby getting enough milk?” Thankfully there are three simple ways to help you determine whether your baby is getting the milk they need.

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Kaitlyn DelloStritto Kaitlyn DelloStritto

Considering A Home Birth? 3 Things To Think About

Many women are seeking out home birth as a viable option. If you have a home birth already planned for your current pregnancy, or are considering home birth for the future, there are a few things to consider.

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Kaitlyn DelloStritto Kaitlyn DelloStritto

B.R.A.I.N.: A Helpful Way To Guide Your Decision-Making

Regardless of what situations you find yourself in, whether you have a high or low-risk pregnancy - even in the labor and delivery room - you have the right to pause and ask for the benefits, risks, alternatives to any procedure or test being suggested to you, the right to trust your instincts, and the right to say “no, not now.” You can remember to exercise your right to informed choice and to ask these questions, by using the helpful BRAIN acronym.

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Kaitlyn DelloStritto Kaitlyn DelloStritto

3 Habits That Might Be Hurting Your Milk Supply

For the mother who desires to breastfeed, there can be immense overwhelm and anxiety over this part of parenthood. It’s a daunting task: growing a child inside your body, delivering him into the world and then being required to produce, from your own body, all of the nourishment he needs to grow and develop properly - no pressure, right?!

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Kaitlyn DelloStritto Kaitlyn DelloStritto

Why You Shouldn’t Only Use An App To Track Your Cycle

Although cute and convenient, your fertility tracker apps may be missing the mark when it comes to tracking your cycle accurately and predicting fertile days. Have you ever had your period come “early”, or gotten a little bit nervous when it was “late” - according to your tracker app? Fortunately, there are other ways to more accurately understand your menstrual cycle, and signs you can look for that can help you understand each phase.

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Kaitlyn DelloStritto Kaitlyn DelloStritto

Support From Afar: How To Decide If A Virtual Doula Is Right For You

Even in the midst of evidence surrounding the importance of labor support, the severity of the 2020 global health crisis prompted some facilities to take extreme measures in an effort to protect patients and staff, and with hopes of containing the spread of disease, including limiting the number of support persons in the labor & delivery room.

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Kaitlyn DelloStritto Kaitlyn DelloStritto

Aromatherapy & Pregnancy: 3 Must-Have Essential Oils

There are several basic essential oils that can be utilized during pregnancy, labor and delivery, to not only promote mental and emotional clarity and calmness, but also aid in physical sensations of pain or tenderness, and to promote skin and wound healing. If you are someone who likes to try simple, natural methods for common and/or minor ailments before taking a medicalized approach to care, you may find value in using essential oils.

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Kaitlyn DelloStritto Kaitlyn DelloStritto

Postpartum Doulas and Family Support Beyond Delivery - Interview with Madelene Martin (DONA)

What if there was a way to receive continued physical, emotional, and informational support for you and your new baby beyond the walls of the hospital and care providers? What if there was a way to have in-home help with infant care, basic household chores, meal prep, light cleaning and laundry, so that parents could meet their own needs and the needs of their baby without exhausting themselves to the point of no return? The good news - this is all possible with a postpartum doula.

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Kaitlyn DelloStritto Kaitlyn DelloStritto

5 Ways To Prepare For A VBAC

If your first pregnancy resulted in a cesarean, whether planned or unplanned, and you desire a vaginal birth the second time around, there are a few key preparation steps that are important to having a positive VBAC experience.

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Kaitlyn DelloStritto Kaitlyn DelloStritto

Understanding Terms: Effacement and Dilation

There are a few terms that are important to understand as a person in labor (or a support person!), and “effacement” and “dilation” are both equally important ways that your body prepares for the birth of your baby. Effacement and dilation of the cervix are two observable and measurable factors that are important for a successful spontaneous vaginal birth.

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Kaitlyn DelloStritto Kaitlyn DelloStritto

10 Questions To Ask Your Doula

Before moving forward with your chosen doula or agency, there are a few questions you should ask in order to get to know your doula(s) and ensure that they are a good fit for you and your birth preferences.

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Kaitlyn DelloStritto Kaitlyn DelloStritto

How To Create The Perfect Labor Playlist

Whether for pure enjoyment or as a tool for meditation, relaxation or movement, creating a perfect labor playlist can be a fun way for you to prepare for baby and help set the mood for your labor and delivery.

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Kaitlyn DelloStritto Kaitlyn DelloStritto

Feeding Essentials Checklist: Preparing for Breastfeeding

This checklist is intended to help you prepare as much as possible ahead of time, so that when your baby arrives you can focus on connecting with him or her, armed with knowledge, support from your friends, family and provider, and with all the supplies you may need.

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